March 21 Updates

Patreon: Dinosaur kale rewards were shipped ~ March 7th. Sign-up for Kiwi rewards in March to have them shipped in April~Shop: Shop is open with a 1 week processing time for orders.

upcoming Events list

Sakura Con: AA 3023
(April 18-20 | Seattle, WA)
Spring Bloom @ San Pedro Square
(April 19 | San Jose, CA)
LVLUp Expo: AA A067
(April 25-27 | Las Vegas, NV)
Momocon: AA 2526
(May 22-25 | Atlanta, GA)

SJMade Fest
(May 31-June 1 | San Jose, CA)
Anime Expo: AA K56
(July 3-6 | LA, CA)
Anime Impulse: Vendors O4
(July 26-27 | Santa Clara, CA)
Munespice x Tsunscoops Pop-up
(September 6-7 | LA, CA)
SJMade Holiday Fair
(Nov 28-29 | Santa Clara, CA)

Botanical Society

Monthly, I send pin club and sticker club rewards to fellow lovers of the natural world through Patreon. Signup for these kiwi friends March 1-31 to have them shipped in April.


Currently, there are 4 places you can shop for my wares! I have my main shop, Patreon, and some items through Mushroomy. Retailers can now also find me on Faire for wholesale. Hooray!


If you want to learn about working as a full-time artist, check out my Patreon page & studio vlogs. Plus, I have an Amazon page* where you can check out the items I use in my studio setups. :)

*This storefront contains affiliate links where I may earn a commission.

the creature cafe

This campaign is a love letter to some of the most interesting - and flat-shaped - creatures of the world combined with some of my favorite places to visit: cafés! The campaign is over, and the preorder store is closed. We are now entering the production phase, woo! You can see updates through the link below.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a good one :) -Nicole